Lakeshore Resort is Hiring
Have you ever thought about working at a resort? Lakeshore Resort offers a fantastic opportunity to not only work but also make new friends and have fun.
Now seeking full-time, part time, and seasonal employees.
Grocery Clerk
Lodging Staff
Maid Service
Event Planners
and More!

Work Hard, Play Hard
During your free time, you can indulge in various outdoor recreational activities in the vicinity of this charming, traditional resort.
You can fish in the lake or nearby streams for trout, hike the local and backcountry trails, crew on someone’s boat, ride horses, or even relax in hot springs.
New Management!
Lakeshore Resort is now under new management and is actively seeking full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees. If you are interested, simply fill out an application and take the first step towards starting a rewarding career or spending a few memorable months in the mountains!