Winter Activities
Be aware of the hazards of winter travel. Harsh conditions of wind, cold, snow or whiteout can turn an outing into a tragedy. Knowledge of the area, weather, route and limitations of your body and equipment, plus a little common sense can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.
Review the following Winter Tips before travel:
- Check the weather and the CHP reports at CHP will close the roads if they determine driving conditions to be too unsafe. Cal-Trans works very hard to keep the roads open and safe. Cal Trans No. 1-800-427-7623
- Always carry chains and know how to use them. The CHP will not let you travel either up or down the mountain in adverse conditions without chains. Chains are less costly to buy in the valley!
- Know where you are going and give yourself extra time to travel. Fresno to Lakeshore is 1-1/2 hours on a clear, dry day. Allow an extra hour on a stormy day or after a fresh snow.
- Make sure your car radiator has anti-freeze in it, check that your battery is good, that you have a full tank of gas and your windshield wipers work. Gas stations may not be open nearby.
- In your car, bring an extra blanket, flashlight, a small shovel, and a window scraper or whiskbroom to clean the snow and ice off of your windshield.
- If caught at the resort in a blizzard, you can help us by helping yourself. It is safer not to leave during a blizzard but wait until it is over. The saloon, restaurant, and general store are available to our guests during our regular hours.
- We do our best to plow the resort roads and driveways and if we have time and have plenty of staff, the stairs and entrances to your cabin will be shoveled. This is usually done on the day of your arrival, however, if it is snowing, we may not be able to keep up with the shoveling so we ask that you help yourselves.
- We have no control over the weather or other acts of man or nature. We do our best to help our guests if problems arise. Please notify any on duty personnel as soon as possible, if it is late and a problem can wait until the next day we would appreciate your consideration.
- Beware of falling snow. When the trees and roofs of buildings are heavy with snow and the wind blows, park and remain away from these areas as much as possible. We are not responsible for falling limbs, snow, ice or trees.